Disclaimer and Privacy for Amusia Tuition


There is no guarantee that you will succeed in developing the skill of 'holding a tune,' even if you are very conscientious with your practice (which is so for all people learning music). Of the approximately twenty people with amusia I taught between 1989 and 2004 all but one succeeded in developing this skill, a stunning success rate of up to 95%. 

If you succeed very well in the course of lessons that does not imply you will be able to sing very well in public or become a professional or amateur singer. The many benefits to you are more personal (see tuition benefits).

The tuition as I presently teach it incorporates only a small amount of work on rhythm and beat, but this can be adjusted to suit each student. It's mostly about pitch (singing pitch and hearing pitch).

There are no refunds for amounts paid up to the end of the month, but please be aware you are not obliged to continue having lessons if you wish to stop or take a break.

Will you be able to sing in a choir? Hmm, that's a good question. It's a maybe, though my experience suggests it's unlikely you will be able to sing in most choirs because the vocal part is likely to be too advanced and the choir will want you to learn it very quickly. But you can try some so-called 'community choirs' or 'singing groups' or 'sing-along groups' where the requirements are less onerous. Be aware that, while choir singing is great fun and an excellent music challenge which further develops musical skills, the sound of the other voices may make it aurally confusing and too difficult. So, give it a go in small bursts but be sensible and be prepared for having to sit it out.

I am a singing teacher of several decades standing but I am not a speech pathologist. As such, I cannot offer medical advice relating to your voice or any other matter. Any comments I make to you about the health of your voice need to be seen in this light, that is, the advice is not from a medical professional. Such comments should be treated with caution and checked with a medical professional.


The personal information of students is always kept private and confidential, unless the student wishes to be identified, such as in a testimonial, or there is a record of the student instructing me otherwise. Identities and other information will not be revealed to any other person, including the student's family members. My policy when other people enquire about a student is to neither confirm nor deny that someone is having lessons, and to reveal no information about how any student is progressing. Sadly, this is not always sufficient to prevent friends and family members concluding that, because I would not say anything, the student is progressing poorly. You can ask me how I know this.


If you are concerned about family and friends finding out you are having lessons you are welcome to use an alias; that is, a name that is not your real name. Some sort of name will appear on my bank statement but that is subject to my usual privacy policy and will never be revealed.


There may be lessons which are recorded but this will only be by mutual consent. That is, only if we both agree. The use of such recordings (which might be quite limited) will be discussed at the time; such permissions should themselves be recorded.

See also another disclaimer: Disclaimer for Voice Students

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Updated 17 February 2023. Perth, Western Australia.